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Tackling Complex Subjects

Challenging centuries of religious and philosophical history is no easy feat, especially for those deeply attached to specific doctrines. It may be beneficial to approach these discussions as if you were an outsider observing from a neutral standpoint. I believe there exists a universal truth that could greatly enhance our lives, yet it's surprising that traditional religions and philosophies have not been updated to incorporate modern concepts like artificial intelligence and other contemporary information. Our current understanding remains fragmented.

I offer my perspective as someone who has immersed themselves in various religions firsthand and has spent decades as a technical writer, delving into complex topics such as microprocessor chips and telephone switching equipment. With a degree in psychology and ongoing studies in philosophy and religion, I bring a diverse set of experiences to the table.

Philosophers often seek a starting point, much like Euclid did with his postulates. However, Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem demonstrated that there is no singular starting point; we must make arbitrary assumptions based on our chosen subject matter. Our brains are not wired to adhere to specific postulates; instead, we learn through experience, shaping our understanding through stories and extracting truths from them.

The quest for truth is an ongoing journey influenced by various factors, including our surroundings and personal growth. As we approach the truth, we perceive it from different angles, much like viewing a chandelier from various perspectives. Our interpretations of "truth" are based on many things but by their fruit we can judge how truthful they actually are.

Beliefs, while subjective, often make sense to the individuals who hold them, as life requires some degree of coherence for decision-making. Our brains, with their intricate neural networks and other complex features, require order to function harmoniously. To keep the brain on track, there has to be some mechanism that gives us peace and wisdom.  But where would this mechanism receive its knowledge to bring this about?  One is fourced to conclude that there must be a higher power that is the mechanism's teacher. 

In our current cultural landscape, science and religion are often viewed as opposing forces, yet they both contribute valuable insights in there own ways. While science excels in logic and understanding the physical world, religion provides a sense of connection to love and wisdom. However, we must radically redefine our spiritual beliefs to align them with scientific principles, and from spiritual prospectives from around the world.

Engaging in spiritual practices and meditation can provide deeper insights into ourselves and the world around us. By exploring various sources of truth, including religious texts and philosophical teachings, we can gradually uncover profound insights that resonate with our inner being.

Religious texts are essentially narratives of belief that are frozen in time.  Instead, if we practice continuous revelation, religious texts could be updated, conveying universal truths in profound and expanded ways. Some things never change, and teachings that promote love, compassion and harmony need not change. By focusing on the best from many sources including science and diminishing that which no longer serves, we can glean better insight and  wisdom that will profoundly enrich our lives.



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